Sunday, October 31, 2010

Embroidered Teddy

Do you know this feeling? You are a crafter or an artist, and you make something which is quite all right, but you are not "in love" with your creation. This happened to me with this teddy. I was not completely happy with the finished teddy, although it was a similar and smaller version of teddy I made some time ago and which was adopted by a couple for their newborn grand-daughter as a keepsake.
I wasn't sure about the reason for the missing enthusiasm about my creation. However, I suddenly had the idea that it was not the pattern of the teddy, but the lacking "finishing touch" that caused that feeling. After I already had made another teddy with rose embroideries, I decided that this would just add the special look to this one.
As the teddy's fur was grey, I chose for the embroideries cool colours, teal, icy pale greens. It reminded me so much of white roses after the first frosty nights in late autumn, that I called the finished teddy "Crystal". And guess what - "Crystal" was adopted by the same collector that had already adopted "Memory".

Manchmal macht man etwas, mit dem man eigentlich zufrieden ist, aber dennoch ist die Begeisterung nicht restlos. So ging es mir mit diesem Teddy, bei dem irgendwie etwas zu fehlen schien. Nachdem ich bereits einen Teddy mit Rosenstickereien verziert hatte, beschloss ich, dass auch bei diesem Teddy ein solcher "letzter Schliff" die Persönlichkeit des Bärchens ausmachen würde.
Da das Fell grau war, schienen kühle Farben passend zu sein, Petrolgrün und diverse "eisige" Grüntöne. Die Stickereien erinnerten mich sehr an weisse Rosen nach der ersten frostigen Nacht im späten Herbst, so dass der Teddy den Namen "Crystal" bekam. Und "Crystal" wurde sogar von der gleichen Sammlerin adoptiert,  bei der bereits "Memory" ein neues Zuhause gefunden hatte.

1 comment:

  1. The Embriodery is nicely done, It gives him a special touch :-)


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