In Switzerland, the weather is far too cold for October, and autumn was not as it should be and as I normally love it. We had lots of rain, and when I look at my garden, I get sad, as we normally have roses blooming until November or the first frost. But now, nature seems to be dead already now...

Unfortunately, due to marriage, pregnancy, house reconstruction, birth and mother duties (more or less in this order, some of them even at the same time...) I didn't have so many possibilities to attend to one of the few teddy fairs we have in Switzerland. One of the last was in a town that is famous for the rose-garden in the castle. And as I love roses so much, I made a special teddy for this event. The piece of mohair has been in my box for quite a long time, and I never knew what to do with it, but for this project it was just perfect.
So my teddy "Memory" was born. The colour reminds me of old roses, and this is also reflected by the embroidered roses on the paws of this creation. They are done in "bouillon embroidery", with very old silk thread I found in my grandmothers sewing box after she died. So this is a very special teddy with lots of memories. I think my grandmother would be pleased to see that the threads were still useful.
"Memory" came home with me after the fair, but later she found a new home. I really hope that she will become part of someone else's memories, as much as she bears within her so many memories of myself.
Der Herbst kam zu schnell dieses Jahr, und er war zu verregnet und zu kalt. Der Garten sieht schon jetzt traurig aus, obwohl sonst viele meiner Rosen bis weit in den November und bis zum ersten grossen Frost blühen.
Wegen Heirat, Schwangerschaft, Hausumbau, Geburt und Familienpflichten hatte ich kaum mehr Gelegenheit, an einer der wenigen Teddy-Ausstellungen in der Schweiz teilzunehmen. Eine meiner letzten Ausstellungen fand an einem Ort statt, der für seinen Rosengarten im Schloss bekannt ist. Und weil ich ja Rosen sehr liebe, wollte ich auch einen speziellen Teddy dafür machen.
So enstand "Memory". Die Farbe erinnerte mich sehr an alte Rosen, und dies wird dadurch noch betont, dass die Pfoten mit gestickten Rosen verziert sind. Die Stickerei wurde mit dem so genannten "Bouillon Stich" gemacht - aus alten Seidenfäden, die ich in der Nähschachtel meiner Grossmutter gefunden hatte, nachdem sie gestorben war. Dies ist also ein wirklich spezieller Teddy, verbunden mit vielen Erinnerungen. "Memory" fand erst einige Zeit später ein neues Zuhause, und ich hoffe, dass sie einer Tages auch Teil von Erinnerungen sein wird für jemand anderen.
Memory is a beautiful bear. I love her heart shaped nose and the embroidery on her foot pad.
ReplyDeleteI would NOT be able to part with her. She is precious. Thank you for sharing.
Joyce & The Bears
I was very pleased how she turned out, and I thought about keeping her, but our room for teddies is very limited, and then, I always can make another one with such embroideries. There's still enough thread from my grandma's box left... :-)